A look at the latest amulets added this 24th of December 2014. Some surprising appearances of older amulets, which we did not expect to be able to put back in stock have reappeared for those who missed them the first time around; Lockets from Luang Phu Nong, Pra Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn from Luang Phu In, Bua Bang Bai Prai Deva Seduction Charms, and a new appearance of Hwaen Dtakror magic rings of protection, from Pra Ajarn Waet Surint.


Bua Bang Bai - Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang

Bua Bang Bai – Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang

 Two kinds of Bua Bang Bai have been added, one from Ajarn Suntorn, and one from Pra Ajarn Num of Wat Bang Waek, also blessed by Ajarn Prakong. 

Bua Bang Bai - Pra Ajarn Num Wat Bang Waek

Bua Bang Bai – Pra Ajarn Num Wat Bang Waek


Bua Bang Bai Lotus Leaf Fairy - Wat Bang Waek

Bua Bang Bai Lotus Leaf Fairy – Wat Bang Waek

Some Lockets from the Traimas 2553 Ceremony at Wat Wang Sri To g by Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto 


Locket Luang Phu Nong

Locket Luang Phu Nong

 Some Mitmor Por Gae Lersi Dta Fai Ritual Knives. 

Mitmor Por Gae Lersi Dta Fai

Mitmor Por Gae Lersi Dta Fai

Some Magic Rings (Hwaen Dtakror) for Protection and Evasion, from Pra Ajarn Waet Surint.

Magic Rattan Rings from Ora Ajarn Waet Surint

Magic Rattan Rings from Ora Ajarn Waet Surint

 And the last Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Ongk Kroo from Luang Phu In, of Wat Nong Meg.


Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Luang Phu In Wat Nong Meg

Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Luang Phu In Wat Nong Meg

Below you can enjoy a video with narrative from Ajarn Spencer Littlewood.  

New Amulets to be Added to Thailand and Buddhist Amulet stores

Just a quick update, to let you have a sneak preview at the Amulets we are adding over this weekend, to both the Thailand Amulets store, and the Buddhist amulet store. The next Four new amulets adding to BuddhistAmulet.net & Thailand-Amulets.Net are;

Rian Pra Luang Por Tuad (Monk Coin), – 100 Years old Centenary Anniversary Commemoration edition Somdej Pra Yan Sangworn (Sangkaracha Monk). 

Rian Pra Luang Por Tuad 100th Centenary Edition Pra Sangkarach

Rian Pra Luang Por Tuad 100th Centenary Edition Pra Sangkarach

 Pra Somdej Muan Sarn Sarn Jitralada, Wat Bovornives Vora Viharn – also from the Sangkaracha Royal Monk (now deceased), made using original Muan Sarn Sacred Powders from His Majesty the King’s famous creation, the Nang-Paya Jitralada Simdej amulet, which has hairs of His Majesty included in the sacred ingredients. 

Somdej Nang Paya Muan Sarn Jitralada 2542 BE - Wat Bovornives

Somdej Nang Paya Muan Sarn Jitralada 2542 BE – 86th Anniversary Sangkaracha Monk. Wat Bovornives

You will also see the arrival of a rather eyecatching, and modern looking Takrut Krop Jakrawal universal blessings amulet from Ajarn Apichai Decha. The Takrut is intended to be warm bound around the waist, for which, it has a cord attached to it. The Psychedelic colored cord wrapping of the Takrut Krob Jakrawal of Ajarn Pichai Decha, conceals a Takrut Tone scroll spell, of truly ancient origins. 

Takrut Krob Jakrawal - Universal Blessings Takrut with Maha Sanaeh Maha Lap Inclinations, from Ajarn Apichai Decha

Takrut Krob Jakrawal – Universal Blessings Takrut with Maha Sanaeh Maha Lap Inclinations, from Ajarn Apichai Decha

We shall also be adding the Sacred Palad Khik In Koo, from Ajarn Plien of Wat Don Sala, made in Herbal Resins, with invocations awakening the In Koo Prai Deva, which is carved into the effigy. Hand inscription has been applied in Khom Agkhara by Ajarn Plien. Not many of these were made so you should not expect many of them to be in stock we only have very few of these items.

Takrut Saep Som In Koo Nuea Wan Mongkol Maha Sanaeh - Ajarn Plien, Wat Don Sala

Takrut Saep Som In Koo Nuea Wan Mongkol Maha Sanaeh – Ajarn Plien, Wat Don Sala

Lastly, the Sariga Celestial Magpie as symbiotic pair of lovebirds/hermaphroditic Deva, immersed in Sariga Metta Oils, 2 Gold Takrut – Ongk Kroo extreme limited edition versions from Laymaster of Grand Repute, Ajarn Suntorn Pueak Tiang. 

Sariga Koo hand carved black Payung wood in Metta Oil from Ajarn Suntorn Pueak Tiang

Sariga Koo hand carved black Payung wood in Metta Oil from Ajarn Suntorn Pueak Tiang

Keep checking back regularly because, there are already a load more amulets to be added after these, so, many more to come! You can expect the brand-new latest 60th anniversary edition of Butterfly King amulets from Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, to be one of the next interesting additions which to be added this month of September on Thailand Amulets, and also on KrooBaKrissana.Com

Nok Sariga Koo – Nuea Mai Payung Daeng Gae Liam Nam Man Sariga – Himapant Golden Tongue Celestial Magpie – Hand Carved Magical Wood in Sariga Charm Oil – Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang

Nok Sariga Koo

These days it is not so often that we see hand carved Sacred Wood, Bone, Horn or Ivory Amulets. Few Modern Masters are allowed to or recieve permission to make such items, unless they are lucky enough to recieve these materials from a recognized source as a Donation. Ajarn Suntorn is amongst these Masters, and has been able to produce these rare and finely designed hand carved wooden sariga Birds from the Ultra rare and Magical Holy Red Payung Tree Wood. Sacred Woods however are one of the most powerful options available which maintain the Ancient Wicha, which demand the use of the proper Sacred Materials for the construction of Magical Effigies and Spirit Amulets, Animist Charms and the like.

Nok Sariga Koo

This Twin Sariga is made from one of the rarest Sacred Woods with Maha Sanaeh Attraction Power, which was found and asked in Ritual ceremony for permission to use as material for Magical Amulets to help reduce Sufferiing of Living Human Beings by increasing their Wealth and Happiness.

Nok Sariga Koo

The Nok Sariga (or, ‘Salika’) is a Golden Tongued Heavenly Bird related to the Magpie, which is attributed with immense Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Sanaeh qualities, and is along with the Hongsa, one of the Best Devas to seek assistance in ‘Jerajaa’ magic. Jerajaa means ‘Discussion’. The Golden Tongued Sariga bird enchants and charms the listeners of he who possesses the Wicha, bringing a hypnotic and charming effect, to influence and convince, making people see things your way.

Nok Sariga Koo

If we use the Sariga Charm for increased Influence and Credibility, and Speak Kindly, Gently and Truthfully with good intentions when we use it, the power of the Sariga will be Immense.When used according to the 5 Buddhist precepts, this Wicha embedded within the hand carved Sariga, which has recieved the Invocation of the Sariga Celestial magpire deva, and is carved from Sacred tree Wood with Deva Spirit within has the Amazing Power of the Golden Tongued Celestial Magpie, to attract Friendly Admirers and to pick up and collect Great Treasures that pass by in the Line of Fate.

Various Kata Chants for Nok Sariga

Ajarn Suntorn Perormed Multiple Incantations before Final Invocation. The Sariga Birds were immersed in the Sariga Oil and left to charge for a long period of Time before final Empowerments were given. Ajarn Suntorn is one of the Present Eras great Lay Masters whose limited editions of small numbers of true authentically empowered individual Thai Occult Amulets are the Prized Possession of Thousands of Happy devotees around the World. Ajarn Suntorns Powers and Fame has travelled to reach devotees around the Planet. His amulets are always in demand due to the small numbers made. Their collectibilityfactor is Immense.

This amulet is perfect choice as a Love Charm, or for Business Talks and Discussions, Court cases, defense issues, tactical talks, social climbing. Especially Recommended for Ladies.

Nok Sariga Koo – Nuea Mai Payung Daeng Gae Liam Nam Man Sariga – Himapant Golden Tongue Celestial Magpie – Hand Carved Magical Wood in Sariga Charm Oil – Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang