Just in case you haven’t visited us for a while, you may be interested to know that we are currently adding a brand-new collection of sacred king butterfly amulets from Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano of Samnak Songk Weluwan, in Nakorn Rachasima. This ‘Krob Rob Sae Yid 60’ edition celebrates the fiftieth year of ordained life, amd Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano’s sixtieth birthday

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Pim Yai Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Sae Yid 60

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Pim Yai Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Sae Yid 60

His famous hand-painted King butterfly Amulets, renowned the world over, for their originality, and delicacy of artistic design. They are veritably perhaps the most beautiful form of Thai Miniature Buddhist Arts, that one can find in the present day and era.


Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet hearts

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet hearts


Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet blue powders hand pajnted heart shaped amulets with Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap - from Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet blue powders hand painted heart shaped amulets with Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap – from Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

So please take a visit to the store, and have a look at the brand-new selection which are most pristinely designed, luxuriously embellished, and empowered with various arrays of Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones, Takrut Maha Lap, and other special magical insertions.


Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Pim Glang

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Pim Glang


Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Samnak Songk Weluwan

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Samnak Songk Weluwan performing Sak Yant

This edition stands out not only for the presence of the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet, in various sizes and designs, bit also for the addition of two different heart shaped models, and various loi ongk metallic devas and gods inserted into the rear face of the Pim Glang medium models.

In addition, some coins with Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, and loi ongk statuettes filled with pong sariga dong powders were released in this edition.

See Pheung Metta Mahaniyom Kaa Khaay (Balm of the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King – Mercy Charm potion for success in gambling, love, business and trade).

See Pheung magical enchantment potion, and mercy charm, from Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, of Samnak Songk Weluwan, in Buriram. Blessed with the same empowerment used for the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet.

This is a most auspicious and usable balm, which has been made using the very ancient sorcery methods but, also modern hygienic standards.. Many kinds of these balms and potions cannot be applied onto the skin, because of their necromantic nature. But this is a purely herbal and non-necromantic potion, which carries absolutely no Karmic retributions or disadvantages, rather, only auspicious blessings. Hence, the traditional application and usage methods given from the ancient formulas for applying See Pheung, such as onto your eyebrows, forehead, and the like, is able to be implemented with this particular potion.

See Pheung Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King

The See Phueng Metta Mahaniyom balm, is a balm created by the with the effects of instilling popularity and generosity onto the owner as well as luck in business and trades. The circular casing is white in color with an image of the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King on the lid, invoking his popularity and Metta Mahaniyom capabilities. Inside is a generous amount of Metta balm. A sprinkling of special sacred powders, of a secret formula unknown to us, has been added to the potion.

See Pheung Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

One can use the See Pheung balm to dap on oneself for great charm, attraction and popularity as well as advancing in business propositions and trade.

Use the forefinger to smear with almost all Metta and Maha Sanaeh Oils and Balm Potions, for General Metta Blessing, use the ring finger for Selling and Gambling, use the middle finger to smear the oil if you wish to be attracting the opposite, or even the same sex.

See Pheung Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

Once again from the adept master Kruba Krissana himself comes a well acclaimed and very easily recognizable superb edition of holy amulets in the year 2556 BE. Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano spent the whole three month period of the rainy retreat, empowering this edition of Amulets every single day and entered into a period of solitary Kammathana practice in order to empower the Amulets with the highest power through great renunciation and practice of purity for a sustained length of six days solid meditation!!!

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

The objectives of Kruba Krissana Intawanoh’s 2556 BE edition include using the funds received to donate to the commemoration of religious holy places and temples in and around Buriram and to produce interest and build practice in the Buddha Dhamma.

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano 2556 Kammathana Edition amulets

The sacred Muan Sarn powders, oils and other ingredients used in the making of the various amulets released in this edition, were amassed together for the great Puttapisek ceremony, and under masterful eyes to ensure that the ritual followed exactly as prescribed by ancient Wicha knowledge.

Apart from his most famous king butterfly hand painted sacred powder amulets, this time, Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano has released some very special Pra Khun Phaen amulets in slightly pinkish white sacred powders and this special See Pheung. In addition another See Pheung with the wicha Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King embedded within it was also released in this very same edition.

The amulets of this great internationally famous guru master, go unrivaled, as far as their beauty and fine quality of handmade artisanry is concerned. After their room mans compassionate and continuous flow of Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Lap, and Maha Pokasap magic, his amulets are also said to go unrivalled with any other in the present era.

How to use See Pheung & Nam Man Prai oils

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano has given precise instructions of his method for using this item which you can listen to translated by Ajarn Spencer in the below pod cast.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet in Glazed Color front surface, and white sacred powder rear face with the Maeng Mum Maha Pokasap money spider. These jumbo size Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulets were released in the ‘Maha Taep Bandan Choke’ (Deva bestowing Luck) 2556 BE Master Day ceremony, of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano at Wat Weluwan, in Buriram.

The Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet, is an Animistic Occult Charm, used for Maha Lap lucky Fortunes, amd Maha Pokasap Treasure Accumulation. The amulet is made in the form of sacred powder pressed image in Super-Jumbo size at 5 x 4.5 Cm, encased in stainless steel casing. Front image features the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King, which is a twin sexed Yab-Yum like spirit Deva of Love.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet glazed red coatThe rear face, features a money spider, weaving its web and sitting comfortably in the middle to trawl in all its prey, and treasures.


Spiders don’t have to exert much energy (after their web is woven), in order to catch food, for it just sets a trap and lays in waiting.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King AmuletThis brings the attractive magic to accumulate treasured possessions in, with powerful and ancient animist Invocations, dating back thousands of years, from Pre-Buddhist times. The money spider has been a Magical image of luck and wealthy fortunes, in almost all countries and cultures, around the world since days of old. Sorcery was eliminated in the Western World after the Witch Hunts, leaving almost no real authentic magical lineage remaining.

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano's Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet

But in South East Asia, Sorcery has survived in its entirety up to the present day, without its authenticity becoming lost, and is still very much a real and living magical practice. In the west, the money spider remains but a verbal allusion, but no true magical empowerments, or invocations exist in the Western World.

Money Spider on rear face

A piece of Kroo Ba Krissana’s Civara monk robe is attached to the amulet, as a personal blessing and object of faith to the Guru for the continuous empowerment through the faith and trust of the devotee, in the Guru.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

In the Far East where Buddhist and Animist Sorcerors are permitted to practice and not scorned,the imagery does have true and ancient methods of empowerment, and Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano is one of the most favored Masters for empowering amulets with Maha Lap and Maha Pokasap power for luck, Wealth and Treasured Possessions.

Kroo_Ba_Krissana_Intawano.JPGKroo Ba Krissana Intawano is one of Thailand’s most sought after Masters for his beautiful miniature fine art in the form of his amulets, which are both aesthetically pleasing, as well as full of Metta Mahaniyom Maha Pokasap amd Maha Lap Magic.


Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano is also an accomplished Sak Yant Master, who is less known for his Sacred tattoos, than for his amulets, which is in truth only so, because of the ultra high profile amd international attention that his amulets have recieved, overshadowing his other accomplishments.


This edition was spearheaded by the issue of Pra Pikanes (Ganesha) and Brahma Images, as well as the classic Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King. A series of Occult charms such as Takrut and Meed mor knives, and Kumarn Tong were also released.


Kata Bucha Taep Fa Din Jamlaeng Pamorn (Butterfly King).

Om Nama Siwa Na Maedtaa

Taewa Jidt-Dta Sip-hok Chanfaa Sip-haa Chandin

Kroo Ba Krissana Jao Khong Wadtumongkol Nee (add your prayers here)

Om Sanaeh Maha Sanaeh Om Na Maedtaa

Maha Maedtaa Om Na Maedtaa Taewa Jidt-Dta

The glazed versions were made in Jumbo and also this Super Jumbo size.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

Taep Fa Din Pim Jiw miniature size sacred powder Butterfly King amulet, from the master of this most definitively subtle Wicha of the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King, Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano. Seven Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones (six in the rear face one in the front face), two Takrut and one Look Namo Yantra Coin insert.

The amulets are very small, but extremely delicately and intricately detailed hand-painted amulets. They have polished gemstones and silver Takrut spells, inserted into the rear face of their Muan Sarn Sacred Powders.

Taep Bin Jiw miniature size King butterfly amulet with gemstone and Takrut inserts. This amulet is absolutely recommendable for ladies and children, due to its small size and delicate design features

Using Kruba Krissana’s highly secretive Wicha of ‘Montr Teerayaan’, the master of the Butterfly King, has created another superb edition of his famous ‘Taep Jamleng” amulets, what are most meticulously and faithfully rendered, in brilliantly detailed form.

The following amulets were released in the 2556 BE edition: 1. Sampao Takrut Ngern Koo Fang Ploi ( Sea fairing military ship with double silver Takrut and Blessed Gems) 2. See Pheung Khun Phaen Metta Mahinyom Kaa Kaai ( Holy balm of Khun Phaen of charm and compassion with great business and trades) 3. Tayp Bin Takrut Ngern Koo Fang Ploi ( Thep Jamlang Angel with Silver Takrut and Blessed Ploi Sek gems) 4. Tayp Faa Din Payn See Daeng Lang Fang Rian Narai (Red Earth and Sky angel with Pra Narai Coin inbedded) 5. Tayp Faa Din PAyn See Kieow Lang Fang Rian Narai ( Green Earth and Sky angel with Pra Narai Imbedded) 6. Sian Phu Lersi Fang Rae Sak Sit Neua Pong Pii Kun ( Head of the Lersi Ascetic Sage with sacred powders of Pikun and sacred gems imbedded) 7. Taep Bin Jiw miniature size King butterfly amulet with gemstone and Takrut inserts. This amulet is absolutely recommendable for ladies and children, due to its small size and delicate design features 8. Khun Phaen Kumarn Tayp Fang Ploi Takrut (Khun Phaen's Golden Angel Child with Plio Sek Gems and Takrut) 9. Nang Kwak Kum Sap Maha Sethee Neua Pong Pikun (Nang Gwak calling to millionare riches in sacred powders) 10. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sethee Neua Pong Itthi Jay See Kao (Nang Kwak calling to millionare riches with white Itthi Jay sacred powders) 11. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sathee Neua Pong Mai Paya Ngiw Dam ( Nang Kwak Calling to Millionare riches made from the wood of the holy Ngiw Dam tree) 12. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sethee Fang Rae Sak Sit Bpit Tong Naa Somdej (Nang Kwak callig to millionare riches in sacred powder, and gilted in gold leaf, with Pra Somdej on other face). 13. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sethee Takrut Tong Kam (Nang Kwak calling to Millionare riches in sacred powders with golden takrut)

The front face of this miniature edition, features a vividly hand painted red Taep Jamlaeng butterfly angel, and single Ploi Sek carved crystal. The Butterfly is surrounded with a golden border. The individual features on the painted surface reveal an attention to detail that is comparative to Master  Craftsmanship of the true Artisan. Time consuming and painstaking effort must be applied, to achieve the resulting detail and originality of using different painted effects on each amulet. This of course, means that each and every one of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano’s amulets are unique in their own right. Each is its own individual work of art, that is unlike any other.

The Rear face of this mini Butterfly amulet features a vibrant white very smooth Muan Sarn powder base, and is stuffed (despite its size) with 6 enchanted carved bright crystals, two silver takruts and a central sacred metals Rian yant coin of Kruba Krissana’s angelic script.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

The amulet measures 2.5 x 1.5 These  high-class miniatures, were released as only one of a series of different King butterfly amulets, all of which are extremely high quality and highly prized by the steadfast devotees of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano. They were blessed and released during the special Buddha Abhiseka ceremony, for the Kammathana 2556 BE edition of amulets.

 King Butterfly amulet miniatures

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano is along with his lifetime accomplice in magical sorcery, Kroo Ba Beng, one of the only two holders and inheritors of the secret Wicha of their forest Lersi Hermit Kroo Ba Ajarn.  It is from their guru, from whom they received and learned the methods of making and empowering the extremely rare to find Wicha Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King amulet. 

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet

Both Kroo Ba  Beng, and Kroo Ba Krissana, are extremely popular around Southeast Asia, and even as far away as the western shores of the United States of America, South America, Canada and even Russia. Never has there been such a highly celebrated amulet that is highly regarded for its sheer beauty, fine craftsmanship, art work, originality, and magical power, as the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet.

Miniatures Butterfly King Taep Pamorn amulet by Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

The following amulets were released in the 2556 BE Kammathana edition:
1. Sampao Takrut Ngern Koo Fang Ploi ( Sea fairing military ship with double silver Takrut and Blessed Gems)
2. See Pheung Khun Phaen Metta Mahinyom Kaa Kaai ( Holy balm of Khun Phaen of charm and compassion with great business and trades)
3. Tayp Bin Takrut Ngern Koo Fang Ploi ( Thep Jamlang Angel with Silver Takrut and Blessed Ploi Sek gems)
4. Tayp Faa Din Payn See Daeng Lang Fang Rian Narai (Red Earth and Sky angel with Pra Narai Coin inbedded)
5. Tayp Faa Din PAyn See Kieow Lang Fang Rian Narai ( Green Earth and Sky angel with Pra Narai Imbedded)
6. Sian Phu Lersi Fang Rae Sak Sit Neua Pong Pii Kun ( Head of the Lersi Ascetic Sage with sacred powders of Pikun and sacred gems imbedded)
7. Taep Bin Jiw miniature size King butterfly amulet with gemstone and Takrut inserts. This amulet is absolutely recommendable for ladies and children, due to its small size and delicate design features
8. Khun Phaen Kumarn Tayp Fang Ploi Takrut (Khun Phaen’s Golden Angel Child with Plio Sek Gems and Takrut)
9. Nang Kwak Kum Sap Maha Sethee Neua Pong Pikun (Nang Gwak calling to millionare riches in sacred powders)
10. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sethee Neua Pong Itthi Jay See Kao (Nang Kwak calling to millionare riches with white Itthi Jay sacred powders)
11. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sathee Neua Pong Mai Paya Ngiw Dam ( Nang Kwak Calling to Millionare riches made from the wood of the holy Ngiw Dam tree)
12. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sethee Fang Rae Sak Sit Bpit Tong Naa Somdej (Nang Kwak callig to millionare riches in sacred powder, and gilted in gold leaf, with Pra Somdej on other face).
13. Nang Kwak Paya Kum Sap Maha Sethee Takrut Tong Kam (Nang Kwak calling to Millionare riches in sacred powders with golden takrut).

Rear face of amulet

This particular miniature size, is extremely recommendable for ladies, children, and of course is recommended far and is already extremely popular, with the gay community.

A Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap gem is inserted into the front face

 A Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap gem is inserted into the front face.

View in the store; Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Miniature Amulet 

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet – made from a highly concentrated Muan Sarn Sacred Powder admixture, and 16 ‘Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap’ Gems (3 in the front face, and 13 in the rear face). this is the small ‘ Pim Lek’ model, and is an excellent choice for ladies, children and also for Gays.

Made in 2553 BE for the ‘Lai Sen’ edition (now a more famous and highly preferred edition), by Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano. Fancy stainless casing is included with this item. The casing has special decorative frame, with engraved patterns gracing the edges.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet pink Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

The front face of the amulet features the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King, with red, black, yellow, green and white finely painted details. The Amulet is a most delicately painted miniature Objet D’art. Four Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones are inserted.

Rear face of Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet in pink sacred powders.

Size; 2.8 x 2 Cm

The rear face of the amulet has 13 Ploi Sek of differing kinds, inserted into the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders.

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, is along with his accomplice Kroo Ba Beng, of Wat Tanode Luang, one of the only two surviving holders of the secret Wicha of their Kroo Ba Ajarn Guru Master. Namely that of the special method of successfully making Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulets, whose power is derived from both the psychic and Deity assisted empowerment, as well as from the secret aromatic admixture of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, Maha Pokasap Gems (ploi sek), and Takrut spells, that are seen to be used with their amulets. 

Below; Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet held in the hand for visual size comparison.Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet held in the hand for visual size comparison.

This edition of amulets was actually blessed also in duo, with Kroo Ba Beng. This is also not the first novel was it the last time that such a thing has happened, for indeed, they have both the same artisan preparing the designs, for their most beautiful and exquisitely finely crafted amulets. It is Hence, that you will see very similar amulets, at least as far as the front face is concerned, from this edition coming from both of these Guru masters. 

Rear face of the Butterfly King amulet held in the hand

Those which will have a locket of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano are obviously from that master. Those which possess a nine tailed Fox locket, or Nam Man Prai inserted in the rear face, will almost always be coming from Kroo Ba Beng.  In Thailand of masters are actually seem to be equally powerful, but on international shores, Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano is more well known. There is actually little difference in the power and quality of these amulets, especially considering that both masters have lent their empowerments to both editions from both temples. 

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano performing the blessing of amulets in a sacred Cave.

Above; Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano performing the blessing of amulets in a sacred Cave. 

It is just a matter of preference as to which devotees prefer which master, but that there is not seem to be any kind of comparison made, or any kind of higher and lower status given to either of these masters

In addition to this, his amulets are also miniatures works of art in their own right. Each amulet is completely unique, and unlike any of its brothers and sisters. This is due to the hand painting, and individual treatment given to each amulet, which will have different coloured gemstones, and different sacred items inserted with each amulet, hence, differing slightly from the one next to it.

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

This particular model is a ‘Pim Lek’ (medium sized) Ongk Kroo Masterpiece Version. It is extremely fortunate now to find what still available some years after the release of the edition. This is because, his amulets are nearly always completely sold out in every edition, before the year is over.

This shows the great popularity and collectability and speculating value of his amulets and how sacred they are to so many people. We may consider, that we can still find amulets of great historic masters so many tens of years and even hundreds of years after that passing, but with the amulets of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, only one year is needed for an edition of his amulets, to appear to be completely depleted. Each series and edition depletes and disappears shortly after their appearance. This is what we call a true phenomenon. 

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

Of course the great beauty of his amulets and their artistic value, also counts much towards the reason why they receive so much popularity.

But if it were not for the fact that they are truly sacred, and have a noticeable effect with their magic, then sheer artistic beauty, would not be enough reason, to make them as popular as they are to this day.

These Butterfly King amulets, were released back in 2553 BE, in a series along with some special coin metallic Amulets. These smaller size models, in pink sacred powder, are extremely recommended for ladies, children, and also of course the gay community. 



View this amulet in the store; Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Pim Lek Pink Powders 16 Gems

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet – with blue Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano Cameo Locket, 14 Maha Pokasap Gems (4 in the front face, and 10 in the rear face), and 2 Takrut spells inserted. 

Made in 2553 BE for the ‘Lai Sen’ edition (now a more famous and highly preferred edition), by Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano. Fancy stainless casing is included with this item. The casing is special quality, with engraved patterns gracing the edges.

The front face of the amulet features the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King, with red, green, yellow, orange and white finely painted details. The Amulet is a most delicately painted miniature Objet D’art. Four Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones are inserted.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

Size; 3 x 2 Cm

The rear face of the amulet has a locket, 10 gemstones, and two Takrut inserted into the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders.

One locket, 10 gemstones and two Takrut

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano is along with his accomplice Kroo Ba Beng, of Wat Tanode Luang, one of the only two surviving holders of the secret Wicha of their Kroo Ba Ajarn Guru Master. Namely that of the special method of successfully making Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulets, whose power is derived from both the psychic and Deity assisted empowerment, as well as from the secret aromatic admixture of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, Maha Pokasap Gems (ploi sek), and Takrut spells.

The amulet was released in the year 2553

In addition to this, his amulets are also miniatures works of art in their own right. Each amulet is completely unique, and unlike any of its brothers and sisters. This is due to the hand painting, and individual treatment given to each amulet, which will have different coloured gemstones, and different sacred items inserted with each amulet, hence, differing slightly from the one next to it.

The rear face of the amulet

This particular model is a ‘Pim Klang’ (medium sized) Ongk Kroo Masterpiece Version. It is extremely fortunate now to find what still available some years after the release of the addition. This is because, his amulets are nearly always completely sold out in every edition, before the year is over. 

Front face of the amulet held in the hand for size comparison. 

This shows the great popularity and collectability and speculating value of his amulets and how sacred they are to so many people. May consider, that we can still find amulets of great historic masters so many tens of years and even hundreds of years after that passing, but with the amulets of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, only one year is needed for an edition of his amulets, to appear to be completely depleted. Each series and edition depletes and disappears shortly after their appearance. This is what we call a true phenomenon.

Rear face of the amulet held in the hand, for size comparison. 

Of course the great beauty of his amulets and their artistic value, also counts much towards the reason why they receive so much popularity. 

2553 BE edition Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano amulets poster 

But if it were not for the fact that they are truly sacred, and have a noticeable effect with their magic, then sheer artistic beauty, would not be enough reason, to make them as popular as they are to this day. 

Coin amulets released in the 2553 edition

These Butterfly King amulets, were released in a series along with some special coin metallic Amulets.

Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano blessing amulets inside a cave Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano

Pha Yant Taep Pamorn Jamlaeng – Kroo Ba Krissana Intawanno – Wai Kroo Burapajarn 2546 edition

Beautiful Satin Pha Yant with King Butterfly (actually a mirrored pair of Sariga Birds, which in symbiosis form the Deva ‘Taep Pamorn’ King Butterfly.

Total Metta Mahaniyom power, the amulet serves for auspicious and powerful increase of riches, popularity and promotion in social and business enviroments.

Kroo Ba Krisanas amulets have already been tried and tested and need little explaining, for this Ajarn and his amulets have their own following who know about the benefits and beauty of his Wadtumongkol (auspicious amulets) and Krueang Rang (occult magical items).

Made in 2546 BE, to celebrate the Wai Kroo ceremony of the lineage of Masters. Kruba Krissana is the creator and Master of the Wicha Taep Jamlaeng Pamorn, which is a nicely unusual creation compared to the average amulet design from most Gaeji Ajarn; His version is an abstract representation of ‘Pra Siwa’ (Shiva Deity) and ‘Pra Uma Taewee’ (Kali) – the eternal love affair that has no end. They face each other in fascination and oneness. From another perspective, it can be seen as a picture of a Butterfly (which is why this immensely popular amulet is called ‘King Butterfly). The Butterfly is delicately shaped with filigrain details worked into the contours of this most beautifully abstract Mystical design. The Pha Yant is then additionally embellished and given the final touches using the Aeons old sacred Agkhara of the ‘Taewanakee’ (language of the Devas – otherwise known as Devanaghiri – the most common written form of Hindi).

Empowerment Ceremony (Buddha Abhiseka)

Kruba Krissana uses a very secret and mysterious Wicha that differs from all other Kroo ba Ajarn, called ‘Montr Teerayaan’, which is a Wicha which extends around the Universe. He learned it from his Kroo Ba Ajarn ‘Phu Ruesi Bangbod’ in Laos. He also learned many Wicha from a number of Adepts in Cambodia which cost him over 20 years of study and practice to master. So the Taep Pamorn Jamlaeng is an unusual kind of ‘Wadtumongkol’ whose design elegance is even worthy of sitting on a fine contemporary art gallery’s walls. In addition the empowerment method and ceremony used extremely sacred and powerful Wicha to embed the power of Metta Mahaniyom , Maha Sanaeh and Choke Laap within the Pha Yant and to invoke the mind of a resident Deva to inhabit it. The King Butterfly amulet and Pha Yant, as well as his Pra Sivali amulets are extremely sought after by Devotees from Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and Hong Kong, as well as Caucasian shores such as the USA and Australia, New Zealand.. All of Kruba Krissanas amulets are snapped up instantly after issue, sell out within a year or two and become very difficult to acquire thereafter, and when, then usually only at severely high prices. This is a rare chance to find such a mint condition Pha Yant from as early as 2546 BE of King Butterfly. BEWARE OF FAKES! Kuba Krissanas amulets are of the higher priced variety and thus are the target of forgery. Always choose a reputable dealer to make sure your amulets are authentic.
