Mai Kroo Paetchalugan – Mai Makaa 145 Pi – 145 year old Sacred Tree Wood Wand with Ruesi Head, 15 Gram Silver Takrut, Spell Inscription, filled with Sacred Powders – Ajarn Supot Ler Cha

Ritual Sceptre-Wand (Mai Kroo), for Blessings and Protective Spell Casting. A rare and Beautiful Masterpiece of a Wand, in true Limited Edition from one of Thailands most Respected Ajarns. Invoked with the Presence of Ruesi Por Gae Paetchalugam/Paetchalugan/Wisawagam
Ajarn Supot Ler Cha is one of Thailand’s Longest Standing and Respectable Lay Masters and Spiritual Medium for the Manifestation of Por Phu Ruesi Paetchalukan, as well as an Adept Master of Ceremonies in Brahman and Thai Buddhist Occultist Traditions. His amulets and Ritual Bucha Items are rare, revered and collected by an Elite Group of Devotee, who treasures his amulets like rare pearls, both for their Power, as well as their Rarity and Collectability.

Size; 13 Inches. Only 59 Mai Kroo were Made. The Wands are made from a 145 Year old Sacred Makaa Tree. The interior of the Mai Kroo contains;
Sacred Earth Relics of Luang Phu Kampan of Wat Tat Maha Chai (Nakorn Panom).
Sai Sek (Enchated Sand grains) from Luang Por Pae (Wat Pikul Tong, Singhburi).
Pong Maharach from Luang Phu Nai of Wat Ban Jaeng (Ayuttaya).
One Silver Takrut One Baht in Weight (Baht as an Old Thai Measurement of Weight = 15.2 Grams)’
Pong Puttakun 108 (108 types of Magical Powders).
This Mai Kroo is a Recommended Ritual Item for Magicians and Shamans of the Adept level, Ajarn Sak Yant, and Ruesi, and those who perform Spiritual Services, and Blessings. This Item is an Essential Rarity, and an Authentically Empowered Magic Wand from an Adept Mage. Any serious Collector or Occult Practitioner of Thai Magical Arts or Tantric Buddhism would be happy to enrich his armory with. The Mai Kroo endows the blessed with Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan and Anti-Black-Magic Powers. Protects against Demons and Evil Beings, Sends Devils and Ghosts back where they came from. Exorcises Possessed Spirits. Use to spray Prayer Water on Devotees, Wares in your Shop, yourself or family members.

The Wand can be used as an Instrument of Blessing, Spell Casting or Empowerment. It can also be used as a Bucha Item on the Altar, and is empowered with the Power and Spirit of the 108 Ruesi. For those who Revere the Ruesi, Por Gae or practice Ruesi-Ism, Meditation or Occult Practices, the Ruesi Wand is the Ideal Companion Accessory and Bucha Object. Multifaceted in its application options as both an Object of reverence (Bucha), and, as a Powerful Magical Weapon/Tool to Manifest results with your Magic, by using the Wand to Channel and Focus either the Power of the Ruesi Invoked with your Incantations, or with your own Prayers, Psychic Power, Prana or Chi energy.

Before Leaving Home, take the Mai Kroo and hold it to your Forehead and Pray by Chanting the Kata – Great Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Sanaeh Choke Lap Power will arise and accompany you throughout the day.
Kata Bucha Mai Kroo Paetchalugam
Om Leu-Ler Leu-Ler Paetchalugan Kidtaa Dtumhae Bpari Punchandtu Na Mo Put Taa Ya Ya Taa Put Mo Na Na Chaa Lii Dti Lii Dti Na Chaa Na Ma Pa Ta Ta Pa Ma Na Bprasittimae (and make your wish).
Keep the Mai Kroo on the Altar or on a ‘Pan Kroo’ (elevated tray) before the Altar.
The Wand has recieved inscription of Sacred Khom Agkhara Spells and Empowerments from Ajarn Supot. The Wand has a Por Gae Ruesi Paetchalugan head on the top of the Sceptre, made from Sacred Wood from a Holy Tree . As a Bucha Object, this Mai Kroo is an Excellent Acquisition for those who revere the Ruesi or practice Ruesi-ism, Meditation, Yoga, Massage, Astrology, Ancient scripture, Occultism, or have recieved Sak Yant Tattoos, as well as people from a host of other different professions that have Ruesi Deities as their Patron Guardians.

Worshipping the Ruesi brings a full range of blessings and protective magic of the Boroma Kroo and the Immense Power and Protection of the 108 Ruesi Hermit Sages. Kong Grapan, Klaew Kaad, Gae Aathan, Gan Kun Sai, Choke Lap, Kaa Khaay, Metta Mahaniyom, Serm Duang, Maha Sanaeh. All of these blessings are given with the practice of revering and following the Ruesi Devas.
It requires somewhat more effort to practice revering the Ruesi, than to wear an amulet, because the practice of Revering Ruesi is a regular applied practice and you must think that the Ruesi are always with you, and that one lives and behaves as a Looksit of the Ruesi Boroma Kroo Por Gae. It is thus a practice of Bucha which must be kept to and maintained in proper Ritual Manner. the Ruesi Kroo Deities, are essential to have as Bucha Item for those who indeed themself practice Ruesi-Ism, Yoga, Meditation, Herbalism, Minerology, and magical Practices, such as Incantation or Amulet and Talisman making.
Meditation practitioners recieve extra blessings from the Ruesi, for Meditation is the primary practice of the Ruesi himself, and those who revere and practice the Science/Arts of Ruesi-ism, will attain great advancements in their meditations by studying and practicing the way of the Ruesi as a way of life.
Ajarn Supot is a Medium for the Spirit of the Ruesi Petchalugan
Kata Bucha Ruesi Paetchalugan
Om Ma A U Mahidtigaa Dtaebpi Dtumhae Anuragkhandtu Arokayaena Sukhaena Ja Mahaa Dtaecho Mahaa Laapo Nachaa Leedti Aehi Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma Ma
โอม มะอะอุ อะหังนุกา วิษณุกรรมเทวา มหิตธิกาเตปิ ตุมเห อนุรักขันตุ อะโรตะเยนะ สุเขนะจะ มหาเตโช มหาลาโภ นะชาลิติ เอหิจิตตัง ปิยังมะมะ
Ruesi Paetchalugam is rather less known than many other Ruesi, such as Por Gae Ta Fai, or Ruesi Ta Wua. Although his presence is often to be noted at Wai Kroo (Master Day) Ceremonies/Festivals, many people in general do not know the origins nor the meaning of who and what Pra Paetchalugam represents. Many Magical Tomes and Thai occult legends refer to this Ruesi Deity, but it is extremely difficult to decipher what particular role he played. The same can be said about ruesi Narot. Although their names are often called out at many Wai Kroo ceremony, not often is it understood what they represent and who they are.It is almost completely unknown that Ruesi Paetchalugam is indeed a manifestation of ”Pra Wisawagam’ (Visavagama) Lord of bestowing , giving and of protection.
Ruesi Paetchalugam is normally depicted with green skin, but is also seen to be colored differently. Pra Wisawagam had a consort (female concubine, known as Chaya in Thai if referring to a royal or sacred person), but it is not recorded what her name was.All that is know as to descendants is that he had a princess Daughter by the name of Sanya (Sanya means promise in Thai). Sanya became the Consort of Pra Suryataep (Suriyadeva), the Sungod.
Pra Ruesi Wisawagam/Paetchalugam is known to have had a female emanation too.This female ruesi/deity, is known as Naang Nilabanpot, and she is the guardian protector of tailors and seamstresses, the sewing industry.
Kata to ask for the blessings of the Ruesi;
Om dtwa mewamaadtaa ja bpidtaa dtwa mewa dtwa mewa pantusaja sakhaa dtwa mewa dtwa mewa witayaa tarawinam dtwa mewa dtwa mewa sarawam ma ma tewa tewa
Kata Bucha Por Gae Ruesi Dta Fai
Ugaasa imang akkee paahoo buppang Ahang wantaa aajaariyang sappasayang winaassandti
sittigaariya abparabpachaa imasaming pawandtume
tudtiyambi – imang akkee paahoo buppang Ahang wantaa aajaariyang sappasayang winaassandti
sittigaariya abparabpachaa imasaming pawandtume
Dtadtiyambpi – imang akkee paahoo buppang Ahang wantaa aajaariyang sappasayang winaassandti
sittigaariya abparabpachaa imasaming pawandtume
Katas for Revering the Ruesi
Various Kata (general and specialized) for praying to the Ruesi, and empowering your Ruesi amulets, Por Gae Masks and Statues
General Kata (Good for all Ruesi)
Namasa Dtisadtawaa Isisitti Lokanaatathang
Anudt Dtarang Isee Ja Pantanang
Saadtraa Ahang Wantaami Dtang Isisittiwesa
How to Pray to the Ruesi Narot
Offer Hmak Plu (Betel nut and Areca leaf), tobacco and grapefruit. Also offer flower garlands which have jasmine flowers in them.
Kata for Bucha Ruesi Narot
Ugaasa Wantami Bhante Sappatang Abparaatang Kha Ma Dta Mae Bhante Mayaa Gadtang Bpunyang Saaminaa Anumotittappang Saaminaa Gadtang Mayhang Naadtappang Saatu Saatu Anumotaami
Wantaami Narata Burapaajaariyang Sappa Maetosang Khamadta Mae Bhante
It should be noted that to correctly Bucha Ruesi Deities, one should also have Korb Kroo ceremony performed on you in order to receive protection and lineage of the Ruesi Masters.
Kata to the 108 Ruesi;
Om Surawepoya Ruesi Poya Na Ma Ha
Kata Bucha Ruesi;
Om Imasaming Pra Bprakone Tap Pra Muneetewaa Hidtaa Dtumhe Bparipunchandtu
Tudtiyambpi – Imasaming Pra Bprakone Tap Pra Muneetewaa Hidtaa Dtumhe Bparipunchandtu
Dtadtiyambpi – Imasaming Pra Bprakone Tap Pra Muneetewaa Hidtaa Dtumhe Bparipunchandtu
Kata Bucha Phu Ruesi Nakarach
Om Mahaa Swaahome Na Leu ler Asisidti Tanuu Jaewa Sappae Aawutaanija Pakka Pakadtaa Wijuninaani Lomang Maamae Na Pussandti
โอมมะหา สวาโหม นะ ฦา ฤา อสิสิติ ธะนูเจวะ สัพเพ อาวุธทานิจะ ภัคคะภัคตา วิจุนินานิ โลมังมาเม นะผุสสันติ
Kata Por Phu Ruesi Narai
Om Namo Por Phu Ruesi Narai Na Ma (chant three times)
then chant;
Sahassa Naedt-Dto, Por Phu Ruesi Narai, Tippa Jagkhung Wisotaaya
Om Imasming Saggaara Wantanang Por Phu Ruesi Narai
Buchidt Dtawaa Mahaa Laapo Sukhang Palang Pawandtume
Ruesi Hnaa Suea
This Ruesi Hermit Sage, is also known as Boromakruu Jao Samingpray. In Thai, his real name and title is ‘Tan Taw Himawat’ (ท่านท้าวหิมวัต) The famous master monk Hlwong Phu Ga Hlong (currently famous for his amulets), uses this ruesi as his mentor.
The Kata (mantra) for Ruesi Hnaa Suea (tiger head ruesi) is as follows;
Oem Rue Reur (Leu Leur if you like), Mahaa Rue Raa Payakkae Payakkoe
Ittirittae Ittirittoe Sirae Sirae Kuroe Kuroe Yaadoe Bpen Man Naa Ham
Guu Diar Bang Giar Doer Doer
Alternatively, or in Addition to the previous Kata;
Ugaasa Imang Akkee Paahu Bpub-Phang Ahang Wantaa Aajariyang Sappa Sayyang Winaasandti Sitti Giriya Abpa Rabpa Chaa Imasming Pawandtume
Tudtiyambpi – Ugaasa Imang Akkee Paahu Bpub-Phang Ahang Wantaa Aajariyang Sappa Sayyang Winaasandti Sitti Giriya Abpa Rabpa Chaa Imasming Pawandtume
Dtadtiyambpi – Ugaasa Imang Akkee Paahu Bpub-Phang Ahang Wantaa Aajariyang Sappa Sayyang Winaasandti Sitti Giriya Abpa Rabpa Chaa Imasming Pawandtume
Kata Bucha Ruesi Galai Gote (Deer Head Ruesi)
Namo Galai Godti Mahaa Munii No Suradtaba Chaanatarassa
Sujaridta Chanaanang Sappa Sitti Taaya Gassa Manussaa Taewaanang
Warakunatara Mahaa Muninodti Bpaadtagassa
Ahang Dtang Wantaami Dtumhae No Gaaya Palanja Jidt-Dta Palanja Sappa Sittinja