Shiva Eye Amulet Ajarn Plien

The Sacred Duang Ta Pra Isworn Shiva Eye for Maha Lap amulet with See Pheung Nam Man Prai insert in rear face, is one a a number of different Lucky Bringer amulets made from powerful Muan Sarn Sacred Powders by the Great Lay Master Ajarn Plien of the Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or Southern Academy of Sorcery. Released in the ‘Run Maha Pokasap Khao Or’ edition on 27th September 2560 BE, with two Blessing ceremonies, the first being held on 27th September 2560 BE at Wat Khao Or with a host of the Khao Or Gaeji Ajarn Master Monks present to perform empowerment of the Muan Sarn and the amulets.

This model features the Sacred Duang Ta Pra Isworn Shiva Eye of Vedic Cosmology, which is the third eye in the forehead of the God Shiva, and is a ‘Fire Eye’ which, when opened, decimates all in its path with a blasting ray of cosmic energy. It is said that then he is angry, Shiva opens this eye and punishes the demons and wrongdoers, but it is also said that Shiva’s left and right eyes, are his actions in the world, and his third eye is his inner eye, which represents his boundless wisdom and spiritual power. With his third eye, Lord Shiva is able to see beyond the hidden world, and destroy all evil


Shiva Eye Amulet Wicha Maha Lap Ajarn Plien

Shiva Eye Amulet Wicha Maha Lap Ajarn Plien

The amulet is made from a powerful admixture of Sacred Muan Sarn Powders, with gold painted front face, and, and has a piece of See Pheung Nam Man Prai of the Great Ajarn Pratueang inserted into the rear face. Stainless Steel Casing is included with the amulet in the price.

Rear face Shiva Eye Amulet Wicha Maha Lap Ajarn Plien

Rear face Shiva Eye Amulet Wicha Maha Lap

Ajarn Plien is a Laymaster of the Khao Or southern Sorcery Lineage, who heads the Wat Don Sala temple laymasters of the Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or Lineage, as the oldest living laymaster of the Luang Por Kong and Pra Ajarn Nam Lineage, which is the direct magical transmission lineage for Luang Phu Tuad of Wat Chang Hai, and for the Lineage of Ajarn Kong and Ajarn Tong Tao of Wat Khao Or.

Ajarn Plien

Ajarn Plien

The Maha Pokasap Khao Or edition series is empowered primarily for Maha Lap Maha Sanaeh Maha Pokasap. Seven different models were released, but with differing design features. All models however perform the same function of wealth increase and change bad luck to good luck, and attract good luck, promotion, and better Karma.

The seven different models were; 1. Daw Maha Lap Oval shaped star in the style of the famous daw Aathan of Luang Por Pina 2. Daw Plik Duang Karma Changer with Spiral Kranok Waves 3. Daw Unalome Sacred Khom letter U Yantra in Spiral Starshape 4. Daw Dork Mai Flower shaped star 5. Duang Ta Pra Isworn Shiva Eye 6. Om Pim Yai large letter Om 7. Om Pim Lek small letter Om.

The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders are extremely powerful for the inclusion of a large number of broken up powdered amulets from Ajarn Chum Chai Kiree of the Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or Southern Academy of Sorcery from the years 2484 BE to 2525 BE, mixed with a host of other powerful powders such as Pong Puttakun Nimit 2484 BE Powders of Ajarn Chu, Wan 108, Wan Dork Mai Mongkol 108, Relics from the four Deva Shrines in Bangkok, Holy Prayer Water from 108 Temples, Takrai (crubled residue) of 9 ancient Chedi Stupas, Sacred Din Bpoeng from nine Magical peat marshes..




Kayasiddhi Elemental Earth Magick Substances, Sacred Powders from the 2497 Indojin Amulet Edition of Wat Sutat, Pong Khaw Hniaw Dam black sticky rice powders empowered in the Khao Or Cave by Ajarn Plien during the black sticky rice eating ceremony, Pong Yant Suriyan Jantra powders from 2530 BE,Nam Man Pla Duyong (Dugong Tears), Muan Sarn Sacred Powders from Pra Ajarn Sri Ngern of Wat Don Sala, See Pheung Nam Man Prai of Ajarn Pratueang (inserted into the rear face of the amulet).


The amulets can be considered highly concentrated with magick, for their extremely powerful sacred powders within the admixture which have known to be used with many famous miracle amulets of the past, and are pure Khao Or tradition Magical amulets, empowered by the Master Monks of the Khao Or tradition at Wat Khao Or and a Secondary Empowerment in solo by Ajarn Plien at his Samnak .he amulets should bring professional success, lucky fortunes and wealth, promotion and mercy charm, with power of attraction, as well as Luck in Lottery.


Apart from Hindu People and Thai Buddhist People Praying to Lord Shiva, the Thai Ruesi Sages Revere Lord Shiva, as the Root Guru and Highest of all Ruesi Sages. Lord Shiva is the Ruesi of all Ruesi, and is the reason for which the Ruesi like to wear a Tiger Skin in his honor.


To Bucha Pra Isworn (Shiva) you must always Chant the Kata for making Bucha to Pra Pikanes (Ganesha) beforehand.

Kata Pra Pikanes

Om Sri Kanesaya Namaha (x3)

Thai Kata for Chanting Daily to Pra Pikanes

Om Pikanesuan Sitti Bprasittimae Mahaa Laapo Tudtiyambpi Om Pikanesuan Sitti Bprasittimae Mahaa Laapo Dtadtiyambi Om Pikanesuan Sitti Bprasittimae Mahaa Laapo



Then Prayers to Shiva can be made


Drinks, Milk (can be plain or sweet Milk, but no additives or colorings)

Flower Offerings:- You can use Chrysanthemums, Lotus, Roses or any other kind of beautiful colorful flowers.


Perfumed substances such as Jasmine, Herbal Extracts and aromatics plants and incense powders.


Fruits with a fine aroma and taste (no bitter. sour or bland tasting fruits). Fruits should be offered unpeeled or segmented, but offered whole with the skins on them, such as a whole bunch of Bananas, or bunch of Lychee.

fruits offerings


Coconut, however should be cut open on the top, or poured into a Glass or other drinking vessel. Sweets and Puddings can (and should) also be given. It is forbidden to offer spicy or fermented foods or meats.


Cereals, Grains and Vegetables such as sesame seeds, barley, puffed rice, Taro root, papyrus leaf,cassava or potato, string beans or beans, rice, lotus seeds, peppercorns and aromatic spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or holy basil can be given.


Before Chanting the Kata for Pra Isworn (Shiva), you must chant the Kata Bucha Pra Pikanes;

Om Sri Kanesa Ya Na Ma Haa (3 times)

then Chant The Heart Mantra;

Kata Hua Jai (Heart Mantra)

The heart mantra is; ‘Na Ma Si Vaa Ya’

This is a five syllable Kata which you should chant in the following way;

Om Na Ma Sivaa Ya

Om Na Ma Sivaa Ya

Om Na Ma Sivaa Ya Na Ma Haa


Then the Kata to invite and invoke Shiva (Anchern Pra Isworn)

Shiva’s 3rd Eye Kata

Idt-Thii Idt-Dti Widt-Dti Adt-Thi Nis Sa Naedtra Nis Sa Naedtra

You can use one, or all of the above Kata Sansern for Bucha, depending on how much time you have.


Kata Anchern Pra Isworn

Om Israamae Siwataewanja Pawandtumae – Tudtiyambpi Israamae Siwataewanja Pawandtumae – Dtadtiyambpi Israamae Siwataewanja Pawandtumae

Kata Sansern Pra Isworn

Om Gam Bpura Kaoram Garunaa Wadtaaram Samsaarasaaram Reuchakaentarahaaram

Satawa Sandtam Hareutayaara Winatae Pawampawaani Saahidtam Namaami

Om Na Ma Sivaaya Jambpae Nakao Raa Na Sira Gaayaaya

Gadt Dta Buurana Gaa Wa Na Sii Ja Gaa Yor

Namas Sii Waayayaaya Ja Na Mas Si Waaya Yor

Gadtu Grii Kigaa gang Kamadti Wadt Dtidtaayaaya

Mami Guntalaayor Na ma Sivayaaya Ja Namas Siwaaya

Arakam Sambpunyam Siwirusa

Dtaraiyyagae Gaamae Ja Mahae Yadtae

Om Na Ma Sivaaya

Nakaentarahaaraaya Dtarilojanaaya

Pasamaangka Raakaaya Mahae Sawaraaya

Nidtyaaya Sutataaya Tikamparaaya

Dtasmai Nagaaraaya Na Ma Sivaaya

Translation; “Pra Siva – he who has a Naga for a necklace, who has 3 eyes and who wears ashes on the surface of his skin – he is the Highest of all Lords of Heaven. Who lives in Purity Eternally – who wears the tiger skin as a robe”.

Through His third eye, Lord Shiva is able to see beyond the apparent and destroy all evil

You can also use Kata Ārātanā Pra Krueang to beseech wishes from the amulet

Kata Ārātanā Pra Krueang


Paetch Payatorn Nang Lorm Deity palad Bucha size statuette – LP In Khematewo – Wat Nong Meg (Surin). Powerful Bucha for Business Persons, Sales Persons, Partner seekers, promotion, popularity..

Made from Nuea Samrit (Bronze) the Paetch Payatorn Deity has proved to be one of the Wicha which Luang Phu In has attained ultimate Mastery in, after repeated extreme success with those who rented and revered his previous editions of Paetch Payatorn amulets. This time, with the creation of the Phallic Paetch Payatorn Deity in conjunction with the Nang Lorm Deva, using the most Magical Ancient Metals, and Khmer artifacts for this most powerful of Khmer Maha Sanaeh Wicha. The amount of magic condensed within this Paetch Payatorn Bucha statuette is immense, and easily sensed when grasped in the hand, even by less sensitive mediums.

The tail of the Paetch Payatorn enticingly encircles the Nang Lorm Deva, with a sensual, graceful gesture, to which the Nang Lorm reacts with a display of pleasure on her face.

Luang Phu In gave the Paetch Payatorn Nang Lorm Rap a long period of solo empowerments with incantations in his Kuti and then finally a mass empowerment in Puttapisek/Tewapisek ceremony.

The Nang Lorm deva is laying on top of the back of Paetch Payatorn, her arms encircle his torso, hands grasping under his belly, as if to caress his sexual organ, which is just out of reach.

Paetch Payatorn Deity Info Page

Size; 5.5 Cm wide, 3.8 Cm high and 2Cm deep

Made, empowered, blessed and released in 2554 BE

Om Sivaling Naam Waa Pra Paetch Payatorn Kuay Ngaam Bpen Neung Grapong Ngaam Bpen Sorng Dtua Ngaam Bpen Saam Kwaam Ngaam Bpen See Kwaam Dee Bpen Haa Tan Jong Sadaeng Rittaa Nai Daan sanaeh Maedttamahaniyom Chay Hen Chay Hlon Hying Hen Rak Krai Sanaehaa Eeg Tang Choke Laap mang Mee Aehi Ma Maa Khamaa Mihang

Download Kata_Paetch_Payatorn (wma sound file Tutorial)

Download Fast Version Kata Paetch Payatorn (wma sound file)

Alternative Version

Siri Pokaa Namaa Sayo Pawandtumae Nachaa Li Dti
Download Sound Tutorial of Kata Paetch Payatorn (Short Version for calling Wealth and Possessions)

Luang Phu In

Luang Phu In Khemataewo – Wat Nong Meg (Surin) – Master of Wicha Khmer – Maha Sanaeh Metta Choke Lap. As he was still a young man, he was already a Master of Wicha Maha Sanaeh (attraction and riches charm). As a layman he loved to practice Maha Sanaeh magic. When he ordained, because his inclination was to make amulets, he sought out a dozen or more great masters to teach him their various Wicha…….

The amulet is in the form of a Cobra wound around a Phallic.

  • Luang Phu Jan has created these Cobra head Palad Khik from the following sacred powders and other Sacred Muan Sarn;
  • Powder from an Ancient 1000 year old Shiva Lingam, which was found in an Age Old Khmer Holy place. The Shivalingam, as well as being a Phallic Symbol of Potency, and an Effigy of the Shiva Deity in Abstract Form, is also the central focus of the Mind Power of the Universal Deities.
  • Dtakrai Yord Prasat Khom (powdered pieces of the spires of 7 Khmer Palace Temples). This particular powder endows the Muan Sarn with Maha sanaeh Enchantment to induce desire in the hearts of those you wish to Seduce.
  • Din Bpradtu Prasat Khom Pan Pi – Earth powders from 9 Entrance Gates of 9 Ancient Khmer Palace Temples). This induces the arrival of manby Customers or Clients, and good sales flow, because the entrance to a Palace is always a place of passers by and good commerce.
  • Pong Wised Gampong Tom (Sacred powders from Gampong Tom in Kampuchea)
  • Pong Wised Luang Phu Jan (his own special powder)
  • Pong Kochagut, Dtakor Chang Kroo Aathan 200 Pi (powdered 200 year old magic wand with elephant hook). This is powerful Magic for calling ‘Choke Laap’ (Luck and good Fortune, Windfalls), Asking for Money or Promotion of Status; It makes the other person you are asking soft hearted towards you, and give in to your pleas more easily.

Luang Phu Jan designed this Shiva Lingam (Palad Khik) in the form of a Cobra, which is of course the Snake which is wrapped around Shivas Crown. Shive is one of the Hindu Trinity, and was the Highest Deva of the Khmer Brahman Race, along with Brahma and Vishnu a close second. The Cobra was Shivas necklace, and even though it is a Venomous beast, it remains peacefully resting upon Shiva.

Luang Phu Jan says half jokingly that Promiscuous Men in Thailand are called ‘Snake Head’ like the snake head of the Palad Khik he has made. Also, if someone dreams of a Snake wrapping itself around their body, they will find their true Partner iin Life. So the Palad is very useful for those seeking to attract a partner.

The amulet is also effective for Luck, Charm, Influence and Discussion winning, which also harmonizes and improves your Selling Skills.

Its Supplementery Inherent Effect is that bit protects from venomous animals such as Snakes and the like, and prevents Danger. Increases your Influence on others.

999 of these Amulets were made in all, and 256 Bucha size models for the Altar. Size; 2 Centimeters high.

Kata Bucha Palad Paya Ngu Jong Ang

Omma Siwaling Gamlang Ja Heung Sawaaha  Om Sanaeh Mon Sanaeh Mia Sanaeh Bpuum Sanaeh Bpaaraa Bprer An Grayorm Kun Bprer An Hong Om Sahom Dtid Saneu Gramum Na Ga Dor Lor Hina na Ma Pa Ta

Chant three times, blowing on the palad each time you finish one cycle.

Luang Phu Jan Khantigo (Kampuchea)

Pha Yant Taep Pamorn Jamlaeng – Kroo Ba Krissana Intawanno – Wai Kroo Burapajarn 2546 edition

Beautiful Satin Pha Yant with King Butterfly (actually a mirrored pair of Sariga Birds, which in symbiosis form the Deva ‘Taep Pamorn’ King Butterfly.

Total Metta Mahaniyom power, the amulet serves for auspicious and powerful increase of riches, popularity and promotion in social and business enviroments.

Kroo Ba Krisanas amulets have already been tried and tested and need little explaining, for this Ajarn and his amulets have their own following who know about the benefits and beauty of his Wadtumongkol (auspicious amulets) and Krueang Rang (occult magical items).

Made in 2546 BE, to celebrate the Wai Kroo ceremony of the lineage of Masters. Kruba Krissana is the creator and Master of the Wicha Taep Jamlaeng Pamorn, which is a nicely unusual creation compared to the average amulet design from most Gaeji Ajarn; His version is an abstract representation of ‘Pra Siwa’ (Shiva Deity) and ‘Pra Uma Taewee’ (Kali) – the eternal love affair that has no end. They face each other in fascination and oneness. From another perspective, it can be seen as a picture of a Butterfly (which is why this immensely popular amulet is called ‘King Butterfly). The Butterfly is delicately shaped with filigrain details worked into the contours of this most beautifully abstract Mystical design. The Pha Yant is then additionally embellished and given the final touches using the Aeons old sacred Agkhara of the ‘Taewanakee’ (language of the Devas – otherwise known as Devanaghiri – the most common written form of Hindi).

Empowerment Ceremony (Buddha Abhiseka)

Kruba Krissana uses a very secret and mysterious Wicha that differs from all other Kroo ba Ajarn, called ‘Montr Teerayaan’, which is a Wicha which extends around the Universe. He learned it from his Kroo Ba Ajarn ‘Phu Ruesi Bangbod’ in Laos. He also learned many Wicha from a number of Adepts in Cambodia which cost him over 20 years of study and practice to master. So the Taep Pamorn Jamlaeng is an unusual kind of ‘Wadtumongkol’ whose design elegance is even worthy of sitting on a fine contemporary art gallery’s walls. In addition the empowerment method and ceremony used extremely sacred and powerful Wicha to embed the power of Metta Mahaniyom , Maha Sanaeh and Choke Laap within the Pha Yant and to invoke the mind of a resident Deva to inhabit it. The King Butterfly amulet and Pha Yant, as well as his Pra Sivali amulets are extremely sought after by Devotees from Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and Hong Kong, as well as Caucasian shores such as the USA and Australia, New Zealand.. All of Kruba Krissanas amulets are snapped up instantly after issue, sell out within a year or two and become very difficult to acquire thereafter, and when, then usually only at severely high prices. This is a rare chance to find such a mint condition Pha Yant from as early as 2546 BE of King Butterfly. BEWARE OF FAKES! Kuba Krissanas amulets are of the higher priced variety and thus are the target of forgery. Always choose a reputable dealer to make sure your amulets are authentic.
