Thailand Amulets – New Amulet Editions, New Amulets in Store
Thailand Amulets wishes to inform you of our latest Thai Buddhist Amulets and Magic Occult Charms added to store, and to give you a preview of what is currently being added, and on the way to our store, so you can prepare yourselves for the Thai Amulets we are about to add, and enjoy reading the documentations about the amulets that are arriving.

Speaking about documentation of editions, this is now something we are working a lot harder on to document and publish info about the various editions of amulets we stock. Thailand Amulets now has a new(ish) category to browse called ‘Complete Editions’, which arranges amulets by Edition and Maker instead of just Maker. We try to include documentation of the editions as faithfully as we can, including the blessing ceremony info and pictures if and whenever possible.
Many new editions can be studied in this category which is in the process of growing and growing as we speak – we recommend browsing this new category and to use it for study.
Browse Complete Editions of Thai Buddhist Amulets
Latest Editions of Amulets added to the Complete Editions Amulet section are;
Sang Hor Chan Edition Thai Buddhist Amulets – Kroo Ba Lerd, Wat Tung Man Dtai Temple – 2555 BE
This edition includes super traditional Lanna amulets made in the old-skool fashion, with Yant Hneeb Takruts, Horse Hide Takruts, Pra Rahu, and some very powerful powder amulets with double Metta Wicha of the mouse drinking milk from a cat’s teat and a tiger drinking milk from a buffalos teat, either side of the amulets. This is called ‘Wicha Noo Kin Nom Maew’ (mouse drinks cats milk) and ‘Wicha Suea Kin Nom Wua’ (tiger drinks cows milk’. Metta and Amisty are the goals of the amulet of course, and Pokasap wealth and good living standards.
2554 BE ‘Nia Kajia Maha Sanaeh’ Edition of Thai Buddhist Amulets, from Luang Phu In of Wat Nong Meg Temple.
This edition is an absolute Masterpiece Edition of Thai Maha Sanaeh Charm Amulets, using the Powerful Aromatic and precious ingredients that we have come to expect and be used to from Luang Phu In. the beauty of the amulets in this series are absolutely flabberghasting.
Luang Por Kong – Wat Klang Bang Gaew 2555 BE ‘Wicha Jinda Manee Montr’ edition Amulets
Once again the Luang Phu Bun/Perm/Juea/Kong 4 Generation Magical Lineage of Wat Klang Bang Gaew has released its latest edition of Bia Gae, jao Sua, Takrut, and Pra Laks Hnaa Tong amulets in their ‘Wicha Maha Jinda Manee Montr’ edition. Luang Por Kong is the fourth Master in the Wat Klang Bang Gaew Lineage, and is now the current Abbot and Master Adept of the Wat Klang Bang Gaew Wicha.
Luang Phu Yaem + Luang Phu Ap ‘Ruam Baramee Puttakun 2555 BE’ edition Amulets – Wat Tong Sai + Wat Sam Ngam
A special edition of amulets blessed by Two of Thailand’s Greatest Monks, a charity edition to help work needed in a Temple in Kanjanaburi
Luang Phu Chao 1st edition Amulets 2555 BE – Wat Huay Lam Yai
Amazing Lucky Money crab amulets, Cockerel of Wealth statuettes, and other charms from Luang Phu Chao in his first edition.
Pra Putta Chinarat Jom Rachan Edition Amulets 2555 BE – Wat Pra Sri Radtana Maha Tat (Pitsanuloke)
Perhaps the most Beautiful Chinarat Buddha Coins and Loi Ongk Statuettes ever to be made – Historic Edition of Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets from one of Thailands most Historic and Important Temples. This edition unfortunately is selling out as fast as we add them, and are already becoming scarce as the temple is running out of these high end (and high priced) quality coin and loi ongk amulets. Get one while you can, the first bird gets the worm. The amulets are in various mixed precious and sacred metals.
Por Tan Kloi ‘Hmeun Yant’ (10 Thousand Yantra) Edition Amulets 2555 BE – Wat Phu Khao Tong
A vast array of different versions and models in this first ever edition of Por Tan Kloi’s famous Hun Payont Ghost Soldier that has been produced as a Coin Medallion instead of a Loi Ongk statuette. This is therefore also a first in the History of PT Kloi’s amulets.
Phu Ya Tan Khien 2555 BE Edition Amulets
Phu ya Tan Khien – a very disattached and humble Monk who lived in a rickety hole in a cemetery for over one year, whose amulets are becoming very popular now. His Rabbit skin lucky charm Takrut Amulet is extremely popular with gamblers. This edition of Amulets includes other items too; Look Om sacred powder balls in two different versions, some enchantment powder in phials, and some excellently made Bia Gae shell amulets.
Gathin 55 Mongkol Por Tan Klai/Luang Phu Tuad Edition Amulets
A most Classic and Collectible edition of Thai Buddhist Amulets in the Old School way, with the Images of Por Tan Klai and Luang Phu Tuad takingthe forefront of the series, and some very attractive Takrut in Sacred Metal Casings.
Thai Amulets Still being added to Thailand Amulets Store
The following editions have already got some Amulets added, but are still growing the collections;
Luang Phu Hongs ‘Jong Samrej’ Edition Thai Buddhist Amulets 2555 BE
Bucha Kroo 2555 BE Edition Amulets – Pra Ajarn Somchart
Luang Phu Bun Mee 2555 BE Edition Amulets
Apart from this. a very large amount of Thai Amulets have and are being added that are not in the complete editions section, which are of highest interest;
Look Krok Plai Dam – Luang Por Mian, Pha Yant Pra Narai Yantra Cloth by Luang Por Wichai (Wat Utumporn), the amazing ‘See Pheung Nam Man Hoeng Prai Balm Potion (in Masterpiece and Normal models), from recently disrobed and once again as Lay Master; Ajarn Surapat.
Gamblers and Lovers.
A great Many Maha Sanaeh and Siang Choke (Love and Gambling charms) have been added as is usual with Thailand Amulets (our customers like this kind of amulet), for your perusal and collections.
Nang Pim Pra Necromantic amulet in Prai Oil by Khmer Lay master Ajarn Phu Sariang
2 Versions of Khun Phaen sanaeh Jet Naree Pan Hlak from Luang Por Khern, Lady and Man-Tiger Lockets from LP Oe, and a series of Occult Charms from Luang Phu Naen Dam, including some excellent Khun Phaen Amulets.
Previous editions of Thai Buddhist Amulets we thought were gone forever;
Luang Por Phad Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets
We were delighted to be able to find and restock some popular amulets from 2551, 2 and 3 BE from one of our favorite amulet makers ‘Luang Por Phad’ of wat Rai in Ang Tong. We have restocked on his famous Takrut, Garuda and Brahma amulets. His amazing and heavy duty made Takrut Fon Saen Ha and Takrut Praya Krut Pah which are so popular and successful are now back in stock The mega popular Takrut for Intelligence improvement is also once more in store, with the new additions of Pra Sethee Navagote (Nine Faced Buddha) as Loi Ongk Statuettes, and some most Beautiful Loi Ongk statuettes of the Lord Buddha for Meditators ‘Somdej Ongk Patom’ in sacred metals with gemstone and sacre dpowders in base. We recommend this amulet to Meditators and Puritan Buddhists.

Luang Por Phad Classic Buddhist Amulets from Yester-Year
View Thai Amulets by Luang Por Phad (Wat Rai)
9 Tails Fox – Successful Thai Amulet of 2555
Many 9 Tails Fox Lockets and Powder amulets from various Masters have been released this year, most of which we have tried to stock for you. Till now we have 9 Tails Fox available as lockets and sacred powder amulets from LP In, LP Oe, LP Khern, Ajarn Khwan Chai Intrapaet, Ajarn Por Phu Noi Dtan, and from Kroo Ba Krissana’s Close Associate; Kroo Ba Beng.
See all Nine Tails Fox Amulets in the Thailand Amulets Store
There are simply too many new Thai Buddhist Amulets and Occult Charms added to list here, so why dont you simply browse through the All Amulets Category and see the latest amulets added to the store.. we still have over 200 types of new amulet to add, and 3 new complete editions on the way, including the soon to arrive LP Jerd/Sivali Lockets with 56 and 108 Takrut Inserts.
Thai Buddhist Amulets About to Arrive – Luang Por Jerd Pra Pid ta + Pra Sivali special edition Amulets

Sivali Lockets and Pra Pid Ta amulets – coming in November 2555 BE to Thailand Amulets – by Luang Por Jerd Wat Klang Bang Gaew (Nakorn Patom)
Jao Sua Nirandtaray LP Daeng
Also soon, we can expect a new edition of Jao Sua Luang Por Tuad coins in traditional design from Pra Ajarn Daeng Opaso coming up next month in December.

Jao Sua 2555 BE Amulets – Pra Ajarn Daeng

Jao Sua 2555 BE edition amulets by Pra Ajarn Daeng Opaso
Thats about it for now, as we have to get back to adding more Thai Amulets to the store, they are arriving faster than we can add them! We hope you enjoy reading the write-ups of the new editions and amulets, and that they are in line with what you seek. Please comment with your feedback, interests and wishes using the comment form.