Thailand Amulets and Buddhist Arts

Presenting an easy to sit back, relax and watch slideshow of the amulets added to Thailand Amulets, Buddhist Amulet, and Ancient Amulet Stores in the Month of April. Please enjoy this long slideshow presenting you with a general overview of the latest amulets we have added to all three online amulet stores, without having to […]

Updating you with some ofthe Latest Kata Chanting Tutorials Added to our Media Chahnnels, for Thailand Amulets’ Customers and Fans to Enjoy. To enjoy them all, at best you should use the YouTube channel which often includes not only the narrative and pronunciation tutorial, but often, also includes subtitles with karaoke style phonetics to help you pronounce and chant the Kata properly according to Thai Buddhist tradition. Here are just a few of the latest ones added;

Pra Rahu Asura Deva

Pra Rahu Asura Deva, is technically or advisably ,back in the limelight, because right now there are very heavy astrological influences upon the whole planet which are reducing peoples cash flow and ability to function properly, and manage their finances with flexibility. We heavens, advise strongly to increase Bucha to the God Pra Rahu or his equivalent, in order to clear away Karmic Residues amd the Heavy Influence of the Darker Astrological and Planetary Cosmic Forces upon Humans on Earth.

Magic rings of protection woven from sacred Rattan which miraculously survived a forest fire unscathed. This Wicha of Kong Grapan Chadtri anf Klaew Klaad Evasive Protection is effective as a protective spell against all forms of black magic, sorcery, evil eye, demons and physical dangers, which derive from weapons of war, sharp blades and blunt instruments. Klaew Klaad Evasive Magic is also inflected to prevent any deadly accidents or disasters from befalling the wearer.
Pra Ajarn Waet Surint performed the Invocations and Empowerment whilst he personally wove the rings into shape, with Spellbound Incantations to bind the rings with containment forces of impermability and evasive tendencies.

A look at the latest amulets added this 24th of December 2014. Some surprising appearances of older amulets, which we did not expect to be able to put back in stock have reappeared for those who missed them the first time around; Lockets from Luang Phu Nong, Pra Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn from Luang Phu In, Bua Bang Bai Prai Deva Seduction Charms, and a new appearance of Hwaen Dtakror magic rings of protection, from Pra Ajarn Waet Surint.

Just in case you haven’t visited us for a while, you may be interested to know that we are currently adding a brand-new collection of sacred king butterfly amulets from Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano of Samnak Songk Weluwan, in Nakorn Rachasima. This edition celebrates both 50 years of ordained life, and Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano’s 60th birthday.

How to Pray to Thai Amulets

Hi, this is Ajarn Spencer of Thailand Amulets, to inform you all that I am closing the Thailand amulets shop for three days until 17 August.

This is because I have to go to Bangkok and some other places to obtain new gifts to send to you all with your orders.

Rest assured, that the store will be open again after the 17th as usual, and that I will have a whole new set of free gifts for you all when I send your amulets, and so you will be able to receive new kinds of gifts would you have not received yet

Although I still have many things in store, to give out, I do not wish to repeat the same gifts with my customers, and so feel the need to go and expand The choice of free gifts which I like to add to the Parcels, when I send your amulets.

So, I apologize for the couple of days closure of the stall but I am alone in the moment, and really need to do it to be able to go and find new gifts for you all.

Thanks for your understanding everybody!

Regards; Ajarn Spencer

This sacred hand carved sacred wood spirit knife, with an image of the Asura Millionaire King of the northern Quarter of the Jadtu Maha Rachuga Celestial Realm, and one of the four Asura Kings. The image of Taw Waes Suwan (Kubera), is carved into its handle, has been made and empowered by the great Luang Por Prohm of Wat Ban Suan, in Pattalung. In addition, Ajarn Spencer kept them during the Wai Kroo and Ritual Boiling of Amulets in Herbal Metta Oils for a final empowerment

Pra Somdej Kwak Nang Paya Ongk Kroo Masterpiece Version 4 Gold Takrut, Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Precious Gemstones, Gaesa (hair of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano), and of course, Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano’s famous Pong Kammathana Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, The finest grade in highest concentration in this special top of the range masterpiece series model sacred amulet of excellence.

See Pheung Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King – this is the second of two different special enchantment portions made by Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano. Most auspicious hygienic, and perfect for general use Metta Mahaniyom Mercy Charm, that is not only powerful in its own right, but is extremely recommendable to use in combination with Kroo Ba Krissana’s Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulets.

Pim Lek miniatures size sacred powder Butterfly King amulet from the master of this most definitively subtle Wicha of the Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King – please small but extremely delicately and intricately detailed hand-painted amulets, have polished gemstones and silver Takrut spells inserted into the rear face of their Muan Sarn Sacred Powders.

Made from the richest aromatic pink sacred powders, with sixteen Pli Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstone inserts, and the signature of Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, of Samnak Songk Weluwan.

Taep Jamlaeng Butterfly King Amulet – Lai Sen 2553 BE with Cameo Locket, fourteen Maha Pokasap Gems, 2 Takrut – Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano. Fancy stainless steel casing is included with this hand-painted amulet.

This Nang Kwak Pra Somdej combination is a most auspicious and powerful amulet created by Kruba Krissana for calling to millionaire riches as well as all general blessings of the most infamous Pra Somdej style amulet.
Nang Kwak is a benevolent female deity, was worshipped dates far back thousands of years to the pre-Buddhist era as Southeast Asia was permeated with Brahmanism. She represents the daughter of a wealthy travelling merchant who was lucky enough to hear dharma lectures, from two great Arahants (Mokhallana and Saributra), who were two of the closest friends and most popular practitioners of the Lord Buddha.

Using Kruba Krissana’s highly secretive Wicha of ‘Montr Teerayaan’, Kroo Ba Krissana has created another superb edition of his famous ‘Thep Jamleng” amulets in brilliant form. The front face features a vividly hand painted King Butterfly Angel surrounded in sacred angelic yant. A single silver Takrut has been inserted under the Butterfly image and the amulet is surrounded by a golden border. The rear face of the amulet features the sacred powders of Kruba Krissana with 2 takrut inserted in the side and 12 Ploi Sek enchanted gems in uniform geometric pattern are placed around a centralized ‘Rian’ silver Yant coin. There is also a small sacred copper ‘Rian’ coin complete with sacred yant inserted just below the Plio Sek gems.