The Kata Pra Putta Jao Ha Pra Ongk means ‘Mantra to the Five Buddhas’
Kata Pra Putta Jao Ha Praongk
throughout the ages on earth, there have only been a few occasions when a Samputtajao Buddha has appeared and enlightend himself on this planet Through all the Kalpas of Human History there will be only five Buddhas appearing during the time which the Buddha Sasana exists on Earth.
Faithful believers in the Buddha Sasana created the five syllable root mantra in order to pay reverence to these five Buddhas, namely the Kata Prajao Ha Praongk; ‘Na Mo Put Taa Ya’
The five Buddhas of the five eras are each allocated one syllable of the Kata;
Na = Pra Gugusanto (Chicken symbol)
Mo = Pra Gonaakaamano (Naga serpent symbol)
Put = Pra Gassabo (Kassapa Buddha – Turtle symbol)
Taa = Kodtamo (the present Buddha Sakyamuni – Cow symbol)
Ya = Pra Medtrayya (Maitreya Future Buddha – Lion symbol)
These Buddhas are also mentioned in the Adtaanaadtiyaparittra Kata given by Taw Waes Suwan to the Sangha in order to protect them from evil maras and yaksa when in the forest meditating.
Adtaanaadtiyaparittra (Aatanaatiyaparit – Kata Taw Waes Suwan)
Wibpassisa Na Madt-thu Jagkhumandtassa Siree Madto
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Wipassee Putta Jao who has divine eyes
Sikhissabpi Namadt-thu Sappaphudtaanugambpino
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Sikhee Putta Jao who watches over and protects all beings of the three worlds
Waessa Phussa Namadt-thu Nahaadtagassa Dtabpassino
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Waessa Putta jao who has removed all defilement from his heart through his great merits and efforts
Na Madt-thu Gagusandtassa Maarasenabp-bpamattino
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Gagusanta Putta Jao who has beaten and devastaded the Maras and the armies of Mara
Gonaakamanassa Namadt-thu Praahmanassa Wuseemadto
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Gonaakomana Putta Jao, who has risen above all defilement, and who resides in the Brahmacaryas
Gassabpassa Namadt-thu Wibp-bpamudt-dtassa Sappati
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Gassapa Putta Jao who has ascended above suffering and is a skilled Adept in all Dhammas
Ankeerasassa Namadt-thu Sakya Bpudtassa Siree Madto
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Angkeerasa Putta Jao, the Splendrous Son of the Sakya tribe, who relvealed the Dhamma to the world which is the ultimate tool for the removal of all suffering
Yae Jaabi Nippudtaa Logae Yathaa Pudtang Wibpassisung
Who are the ones who have anihillated all defilement and see the truth of the world which lies behind all veils of illusion
Dtae Chanaa Abpisunaa Mahandtaa Weedtasaarataa
These Buddhas are without any malice and are great ones who are free from falterings and instabilities
Hidtang Taewamanussanang Yang Namassandti Kodtamang
The Angels and Humans may revere and Bucha these Buddhas who asre endowed with great Metta which they send to release the Devas and Humans in heaven and on the Earth from suffering.
Wichaa Jaranasambpannang Mahandtang Weedtasaaratang
They are full of Wisdom and Knowledge of the World, those Great ones who are free from instabilities
Wichaa Jaranasambpannang Puttang Wantaama Kodtamandti
May i offer reverence and Bucha to Pra Putta Jao Kodtama Kodtara, who is Adept with Knowledge Wisdom and Grace.