Kata for Chanting Bucha to the Pra Somdej Amulet
Always say; ‘namo tassa pakawato arahato sammaaa samputtassa’ first, three times before making any Kata for amulets.
Kata Pra Somdej
Puttang Aaaraatanaanang
Tammang Aaaraatanaanang
Sangkang Aaaraatanaanang
Puttang Bprasittime
Tammang Bprasittime
Sangkang Bprasittime
The above Kata is in truth one and the same as the Kata Aaraatanaa Pra Krueang, which is the general Kata used for all Buddhist Amulets.
Here is another alternative Kata which can also be used for any kind of Somdej amulet;
Bpudtagaa Mo Sape Bpudtang Tanagaa Mo Lape Tanang Idti Gaye Yaaya Tewaanang Biyadtang Sudtawaa
chant three times; make this practice regularly, and Metta Mahaniyom will enter into your life. You can make prayer water also with the amulet if you soak it in the bowl as you chant, then use the water to spray on your head or your clothes, wares you wish to sell etc.
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Pra Somdej – King of Thai amulets