Luang Phu Rit Radtanachoto – Wat Chonlapratan, Buriram.
Pra Kroo Intawarakun, or, ‘Luang Phu Rit Radtanachoto’ – Abbot of Wat Chonlapratan in Buriram. LP Rit is a Master Gaeji Ajarn of the Isan country, who has many faithful devotees in both Thailand as well as International territories. Apart from his famous Jing Jok amulets made from Deer Horn (Khao Gwang), LP Rit is also known for his Tagruds and his ‘Khunphaen Prai Gumarn’ amulets, which have attained a name for their power of attraction due to the prai oil in the amulets. Few Khun Phaen and Gumarn Tong amulets have real prai Oil in these days, for which LP Rits Gumarn and Khun Phaen amulets are worthy of wearing. The amulet mixture stays seemingly faithful to the ancient formula.
Luang Phu Rit, although a great Master, is not so Universally known as many other Gaeji Ajarn. This is perhaps because he has avoided being commercialized or overly advertizing his amulets, rather concentrating on his own practice. But for Thai Buddhists and believers in Magic of the Buriram and Surin district, Luang Phu Rits amulets are considered to be of the most powerful and effective. Their popularity is scond to none and equal to the other great Masters of Eastern Thai and Khmer Magical Traditions. You can see people wearing his amulets all over the district, around their necks, on their altars and walls. The popularity of Luang Phu Rit amulets has been continuing for over a decade. Lately his fame has reached other shores, and Luang Phu Rit has begun to see countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia with Looksit wearing amulets from this master of Khmer traditional occult lineage. Various tales of success and miracles occurring with wearers and worshippers of his amulets around the world, which is causing Luang Phu Rit to become ever more popular with foreign devotees.
LP Rit is an Adept of Khmer Magical lineage who is an able magician in the Thai. Laoatian and Khmer occult arts. He has an intense radiant power of Metta Mahaniyom, which is revealed in the way he receives each visitor or Looksit with the same equanimity, regardless of status or generosity of donation, dress or manner. He talks with every person in the same manner, with kindness and honesty. He is a very humble monk, who still practices the old tradition of empowering single amulets in his own hand and blowing on them before giving to devotees who come to make merit. Sometimes he may inscribe a yant and give it to the visitor too.
Luang Phu Rit was born on Sunday 13th May in the year of the Dragon 2460 BE. He was born in Tambon Tung Mon, Amper Prasat, Surin. He was ordained as a Bhikkhu in the Buddha sasana in 2482 BE, at Wat Petchburi. Luang Phu Bpae (Wat Prasat Pratan Porn) was his Upachaya (ordaining monk). Luang Phu Rit then went to stay with LP Bpae at Wat Prasat for 3 years to study under Master Bpae, after which he went to practice at Wat Plab in Tung Mon. He practiced there for a period of 4 years, whereafter he went to Wat Ban Granang in Tambon Bprer, Amper Grasang, Buriram. In 2490, Luang Phu began Tudong in search of knowledge of the Dhamma and of Saiyasart (magic). He travelled through the Isan country and into Laos and Cambodia. He also periodically returned to the temple and developed the place, which grew to have a very large number of devotees and Looksit of Luang Phu Rit.
In 2535 BE, Luang Phu began building Wat Chonlapratan Damri in Ban Gratum, Tambon Sung Nern. Ampher Grasang, Buriram according to the Royal Decree received. Since then, Luang Phu Rit has remained at Wat Chonlapratan Damri right up to the present day. He has built a two storey Kuti building for monks to reside, a Sala Bprian to train monks in, which has been financed until now from funds raised by making amulets.
If you have an amulet from Luang Phu which you revere, you should always think of Luang Phu and pray for his building projects to complete the temple of Wat Chonlapratan Damri, and your amulets will emanate their radiance to increase your luck and wealth. if this happens we should make merit with the temple that gave us these blessings, and help Luang Phu Rit to keep improving the temple.
Luang Phu Rit is one of the very few living Monks who admit to have known the legendary monk Luang Phu Suang (Sri Saket), whose elusive tale is the stuff of legend and has left the amulet world wondering who he really was.
Amulets by Luang Phu Rit
Jing Jok Sorng Hang (2 tailed gecko)
Pha Yant In Gaew (crystal In Koo love charm Yantra cloth)
Tagrud Sanaeh Jantr Sarapat Nerk
Look Om Khun Phaen
Gumarn Tong
Pra Khun Phaen Ruay Ngern Ruay Tong
Fake Amulets?
A great thing about Luang Phu Rits amulets is that No cases of any faked copies of any of his amulets have ever been found at all, which makes Luang Phu Rit amulets a safe bet if you are uncertain of your supplier. Thailand-Amulets.Net places prime importance on choosing direct sources and distributing agents, as well as investigating and checking every single amulet for authenticity before placing it in the online store. Luang Phu Rits amulets are one of thailand-amulets.nets recommended lines of amulets, which we feel confident to recommend due to many customers sending very positive feedback indeed from their experiences with Luang Phu Rits amulets. So many people in Thailand and elsewhere have turned up speaking of miracles and amazing changes in life, be it by way of Metta Mahaniyom (charm others, and preferential treatment received), Choke Lap (fortune and luck), Business sales, or getting rich quickly.